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From The Vine

From The Vine
June 25, 2024 Nordicmuse
In Feature

This summer we have been focusing on the smaller things in life that bring us joy to our daily lives! 

The welcomed brighter mornings and evenings,

Tomato season when they’re at their best and tastiest,

Having outdoor space to grow flowers,

Cooking and eating with friends,

Any kind of basket bag,

Teeny Tiny Vases,

Josephine Goods crochet classes at Track Brewery,

The SUN making an appearance,

Earl Of East Greenhouse Scent,

The tomato knife we never knew we needed, 

Walking the long way home to catch the evening ray’s.




Imagine a hot summer’s day in the English countryside. As you step into a greenhouse, you’re greeted by the aromatic blend of sweet vine tomatoes, fresh parsley stalks, and basil leaves.

The earthy notes of dry wood merge seamlessly with the green, fruity essence of tomato vines, encapsulating the essence of summer.

Earl Of East’s Greenhouse scent and Foras’ Summer Vine range let you bring this fresh, greenhouse aroma into your home.